
The Singing Actor Epidemic

So many actors fancy themselves singers, too. They ought to give up, since we all know Steve Buscemi is the best. "Self-taught, thank you very much, Pop!"

Music writers get a lot of random press releases in their inboxes. One that recently caught our eye was inviting us to a performance of Thomas Nicholas Band at the Universal CityWalk on April 7 in conjunction with the release of the gross-out sequel "American Reunion." Yep, another actor trying to be a rocker.
We're all for multihyphenates (one used to HAVE to be in Hollywood in order to succeed, like the uber-gifted John Travolta). But the parade of thespians stepping up to the mic and sincerely thinking they stand a chance against the real musicians is getting a bit much. Here are some of our favorite actor-singers, and some who ought to go back to their day jobs:
The impressive...

Zooey Deschanel

Kewpie-doll cute and blessed with a honey-kissed tonality, Zooey Deschanel is our top hyphenate. She plays a variety of instruments, from ukulele to piano, and writes gorgeous girl-group infused folk with M. Ward. She even bursts into song on her FOX comedy, "New Girl." A-dorkable. (Bonus Joseph Gordon-Levitt in this vid, who holds his own as a vocalist.)

Ewan McGregor

How could one have not fallen in love with McGregor as the penniless writer Christian in "Moulin Rouge"? His emotive voice and charisma rivals the greatest crooners. Now, he does have a musical theater resume, which gives him the leg up on a lot of other actor-singers, but darn if he doesn't do it phenomenally.

Billy Bob Thornton

Country music sucks these days. Billy Bob Thornton knows that, so for his Boxmasters band, he looked back to the pure bluegrass days for inspiration. Steel lap guitars and harmonicas accompany his cordial drawl. He's a riot in concert, and when he sings about tribulations, there is truth to it, as he grew up poor. And, you know, has about 25 illegitimate children.
The repulsive...

Jada Pinkett Smith
Maybe Smith was tired of her former-rapper hubby or hair-whippin' daughter overshadowing her, but fronting a nu-metal group called Wicked Wisdom was not the way to go. It sounded like a Kittie cover band. Yikes.

Eddie Murphy
I can't understand it, Eddie. Why you want to hurt me with your nasally, cheesy-even-for-the-'80s vox?

Kim Kardashian
Calling the reality star an actor is a stretch enough, but come on, how much "reality" actually is involved in her shows? But her lackluster, robotic stylings make partying sound dreadful.
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