Tia Scott
Born: November 7, 1982
Lives in: Flint
Joined on: May 4, 2014
Email: tiarscott@gmail.com
Born: November 7, 1982
Lives in: Flint
Joined on: May 4, 2014
Email: tiarscott@gmail.com
Born: November 7, 1982
Lives in: Flint
Joined on: May 4, 2014
Email: tiarscott@gmail.com
New Video: Jack the Radio - Moonlight
Tia Scott 0North Carolina indie-roots rock band Jack the Radio present the intriguing, eerie new video for their latest single, "Moonlight," directed by Justin Reich. In the video, we follow two men as they voyage along a dark road...
Oct 16, 2015New Album: Reid the Martian - Hardball (EP)
Tia Scott 0Kansas City rapper/singer/songwriter Reid the Martian has released his very first EP entitled Hardball. The five-track mini-album shows off Reid's versatility and lyricism as he experiments with fast-paced rhyme schemes, catchy cadences and witty wordplay. Songs that stand out...
Jun 17, 2015Album Review: Nick Delahoyde - Passion
Tia Scott 0Australian singer/songwriter/rapper Nick Delahoyde presents his debut album, Passion. For his first full project out the gate, Nick delivers a clean, well-crafted pop and alternative sound with elements of Hip-Hop, R&B and soul that meshes well with his Aussie...
Jul 31, 2015